Friday, November 20, 2009

The Invite

So part of me feels really, and I mean really, stupid for starting a blog. I've never been all too crazy about them, or twitter, or anything of the like. Always thought of them as somewhat self-righteous among other things. But a few friends have convinced me to stop avoiding blogs and blogging and to do it for what good could come of it. That said, I am still in no way comfortable doing this. And it's not coming out of a lack of desire or fear to share my mind or allow others to take part in my life through this blog, but because I don't want this to be all about me. What I'm trying to say is that my dream for this blog is that it becomes less about me sharing thoughts with others and more about others responding to the thoughts of each other. So amigos - my simple prayer is this: to challenge and encourage whoever happens to stumble into this little site.

That said - here are some thoughts:

Can you imagine what it would be like if we lived out lives like we sing praises at Kaleo (Wednesday night chapel at APU)

To me that’s just a completely radical thought. Next time you’re there just step back for a second and look around to see everyone completely lost in the art of worship.

It’s freaking glorious!

And I think the glory of it all lies in the fact that in that moment, as we sing songs that most often express a life where God is at the center; our lives are centered on Him. The bible says we were created to bring praise to the Father, and in these moments were living that out. As if in these moments we are who God created us, and in doing so, designed us to be.

The thing that’s keeps stirring in my soul is this – for most of the “Christians” in that room, this is one of very few moments in their week that God is truly at the center. The reality is that the majority of us walk out of that session to lead lives that are never again in tune with this way of living until we walk back through those doors seven days later for another dose of Jesus music.

That breaks me.

It breaks me to think that we all have been so well exposed to the cause of Christ, and so close to stepping of the edge of this world, yet we’re entirely missing the point. We're not actually living out the Gospel. Surely most anyone who fits this profile would probably find this weird, but dude it moves me to tears because I’ve tasted the Kingdom. And from that I’ve come to see how overwhelming life can be when we live praise, rather than constricting it to times of corporate worship – which are at best ritualistic and provoking to God.

So I pray that each of us would quit putting on a show, and come to realize that ultimately God isn't interested in our songs. He's only interested in how we live – making the truest praise something that is so much more than we limit it to today. Something that is lived out through a unceasing consciousness of a transcendent God who is to be found in everything: from sunsets to sushi, and the most mundane moments of life in between.

"Good-hearted people, make praise your habit." Psalm 64:10

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